I have lived in France for 17 years, and at the age of 82 I suffered a stroke which left me unable to speak. The French medical care is excellent but I was unable to find a Speech Therapist in this area who could speak English.

After a year my speech had hardly returned but I then had the good fortune to be given Kate Biss's name, and I could consult her via Skype.

Since then, 7 months ago, my speech has improved considerably and I feel that I will recover almost completely in due course.

I find Kate sympathetic, good company and demanding of effort on my part - which is good. I feel that if I had known about Kate in the beginning, my recovery by now would be virtually complete.

I have no hesitation in strongly recommending her services.


Amanda, France
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Friday, April 19th 2024

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Wednesday, January 3rd 2024

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